the texture's #GstVideoInfo
the parent #GstGLBaseMemory object
data plane in @info
the texture type
the GL texture id for this memory
GL shader scaling parameters for @valign and/or width/height
the GL texture target for this memory
data alignment for system memory mapping
GstGLMemory is a #GstGLBaseMemory subclass providing support for the mapping of OpenGL textures.
#GstGLMemory is created or wrapped through gstgl.glbase_memory.GLBaseMemory.alloc with #GstGLVideoAllocationParams.
Data is uploaded or downloaded from the GPU as is necessary.
The #GstCaps that is used for #GstGLMemory based buffers should contain the GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_MEMORY as a #GstCapsFeatures and should contain a 'texture-target' field with one of the #GstGLTextureTarget values as a string, i.e. some combination of 'texture-target=(string){2D, rectangle, external-oes}'.