A #GstGLFramebuffer represents and holds an OpenGL framebuffer object with it's associated attachments.
A #GstGLFramebuffer can be created with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.new_ or gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.newWithDefaultDepth and bound with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.bind. Other resources can be bound with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.attach
Note: OpenGL framebuffers are not shareable resources so cannot be used between multiple OpenGL contexts.
A #GstGLFramebuffer represents and holds an OpenGL framebuffer object with it's associated attachments.
A #GstGLFramebuffer can be created with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.new_ or gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.newWithDefaultDepth and bound with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.bind. Other resources can be bound with gstgl.glframebuffer.GLFramebuffer.attach
Note: OpenGL framebuffers are not shareable resources so cannot be used between multiple OpenGL contexts.