- Reserved
void*[2] Reserved;
- activate
bool function(GstGLContext* context, bool activate) activate;
call eglMakeCurrent or similar
- checkFeature
bool function(GstGLContext* context, const(char)* feature) checkFeature;
- chooseFormat
bool function(GstGLContext* context, GError** _err) chooseFormat;
choose a format for the framebuffer
- createContext
bool function(GstGLContext* context, GstGLAPI glApi, GstGLContext* otherContext, GError** _err) createContext;
create the OpenGL context
- destroyContext
void function(GstGLContext* context) destroyContext;
destroy the OpenGL context
- getConfig
GstStructure* function(GstGLContext* context) getConfig;
- getCurrentContext
size_t function() getCurrentContext;
- getGlApi
GstGLAPI function(GstGLContext* context) getGlApi;
get the available OpenGL api's that this context can work with
- getGlContext
size_t function(GstGLContext* context) getGlContext;
get the backing platform specific OpenGL context
- getGlPlatform
GstGLPlatform function(GstGLContext* context) getGlPlatform;
- getGlPlatformVersion
void function(GstGLContext* context, int* major, int* minor) getGlPlatformVersion;
- getProcAddress
void* function(GstGLAPI glApi, const(char)* name) getProcAddress;
get an function pointer to an OpenGL function
- parentClass
GstObjectClass parentClass;
- requestConfig
bool function(GstGLContext* context, GstStructure* glConfig) requestConfig;
- swapBuffers
void function(GstGLContext* context) swapBuffers;
swap the default framebuffer's front/back buffers