Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space when possible.
Vfunc for gtk.widget.Widget.contains.
Vfunc called when the CSS used by widget was changed. Widgets should then discard their caches that depend on CSS and queue resizes or redraws accordingly. The default implementation will take care of this for all the default CSS properties, so implementations must chain up.
Signal emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
Vfunc for gtk.widget.Widget.childFocus
Called to get the request mode, if the widget does not have a layout manager. This allows a widget to tell its parent container whether it prefers to be allocated in gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.HeightForWidth or gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.WidthForHeight mode. gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.HeightForWidth means the widget prefers to have GtkWidgetClass.measure() called first to get the default width (passing a for_size of -1), then again to get the height for said default width. gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.ConstantSize disables any height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management for said widget and is the default return. It’s important to note that any widget which trades height-for-width or width-for-height must respond properly to a for_size value >= -1 passed to GtkWidgetClass.measure, for both possible orientations.
Causes @widget to have the keyboard focus for the gtk.window.Window it’s inside.
Signal emitted when widget is hidden.
Signal emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
Signal emitted when widget is going to be mapped, that is when the widget is visible (which is controlled with gtk.widget.Widget.setVisible) and all its parents up to the toplevel widget are also visible.
Called to obtain the minimum and natural size of the widget, if the widget does not have a layout manager. Depending on the orientation parameter, the passed for_size can be interpreted as width or height. A widget will never be allocated less than its minimum size.
Activates the @widget if @group_cycling is false, and just grabs the focus if @group_cycling is true.
Signal emitted when a change of focus is requested
The object class structure needs to be the first element in the widget class structure in order for the class mechanism to work correctly. This allows a GtkWidgetClass pointer to be cast to a GObjectClass pointer.
Signal emitted when “has-tooltip” is true and the hover timeout has expired with the cursor hovering “above” widget; or emitted when widget got focus in keyboard mode.
Signal emitted when widget is associated with a gdk.surface.Surface, which means that gtk.widget.Widget.realize has been called or the widget has been mapped (that is, it is going to be drawn).
Called when the widget gets added to a gtk.root.Root widget. Must chain up
Sets the focused child of a widget. Must chain up
Signal emitted when widget is shown
Called to set the allocation, if the widget does not have a layout manager.
Vfunc called when a new snapshot of the widget has to be taken.
Signal emitted when the widget state changes, see gtk.widget.Widget.getStateFlags.
Emitted when a system setting was changed. Must chain up.
Signal emitted when widget is going to be unmapped, which means that either it or any of its parents up to the toplevel widget have been set as hidden.
Signal emitted when the GdkSurface associated with widget is destroyed, which means that gtk.widget.Widget.unrealize has been called or the widget has been unmapped (that is, it is going to be hidden).
Called when the widget is about to be removed from its gtk.root.Root widget. Must chain up