Value | Meaning |
Text1 | Information about GtkTextView |
Tree2 | Information about GtkTreeView |
Keybindings4 | Information about keyboard shortcuts |
Modules8 | Information about modules and extensions |
Geometry16 | Information about size allocation |
Icontheme32 | Information about icon themes |
Printing64 | Information about printing |
Builder128 | Trace GtkBuilder operation |
SizeRequest256 | Information about size requests |
NoCssCache512 | Disable the style property cache |
Interactive1024 | Open the GTK inspector |
Actions4096 | Information about actions and menu models |
Layout8192 | Information from layout managers |
Snapshot16384 | Include debug render nodes in the generated snapshots |
Constraints32768 | Information from the constraints solver |
BuilderObjects65536 | Log unused GtkBuilder objects |
A11y131072 | Information about accessibility state changes |
Iconfallback262144 | Information about icon fallback. |
InvertTextDir524288 | Inverts the default text-direction. |
Flags to use with
Settings these flags causes GTK to print out different types of debugging information. Some of these flags are only available when GTK has been configured with -Ddebug=true.