gtk.bookmark_list.BookmarkList is a list model that wraps glib.bookmark_file.BookmarkFile.
It presents a gio.list_model.ListModel and fills it asynchronously with the gio.file_info.FileInfos returned from that function.
The gio.file_info.FileInfos in the list have some attributes in the recent namespace added: recent::private (boolean) and recent:applications (stringv).
gtk.bookmark_list.BookmarkList is a list model that wraps glib.bookmark_file.BookmarkFile.
It presents a gio.list_model.ListModel and fills it asynchronously with the gio.file_info.FileInfos returned from that function.
The gio.file_info.FileInfos in the list have some attributes in the recent namespace added: recent::private (boolean) and recent:applications (stringv).