Value | Meaning |
None0 | No special behaviour suggested |
Spellcheck1 | Suggest checking for typos |
NoSpellcheck2 | Suggest not checking for typos |
WordCompletion4 | Suggest word completion |
Lowercase8 | Suggest to convert all text to lowercase |
UppercaseChars16 | Suggest to capitalize all text |
UppercaseWords32 | Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word |
UppercaseSentences64 | Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence |
InhibitOsk128 | Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard (e.g for a calculator that already has all the keys). |
VerticalWriting256 | The text is vertical |
Emoji512 | Suggest offering Emoji support |
NoEmoji1024 | Suggest not offering Emoji support |
Private2048 | Request that the input method should not update personalized data (like typing history) |
Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications.
Note that input methods may already tailor their behaviour according to the enum@InputPurpose of the entry.
Some common sense is expected when using these flags - mixing gtk.types.InputHints.Lowercase with any of the uppercase hints makes no sense.
This enumeration may be extended in the future; input methods should ignore unknown values.