Value | Meaning |
None0 | No attribute, used for constant relations |
Left1 | The left edge of a widget, regardless of text direction |
Right2 | The right edge of a widget, regardless of text direction |
Top3 | The top edge of a widget |
Bottom4 | The bottom edge of a widget |
Start5 | The leading edge of a widget, depending on text direction; equivalent to gtk.types.ConstraintAttribute.Left for LTR languages, and gtk.types.ConstraintAttribute.Right for RTL ones |
End6 | The trailing edge of a widget, depending on text direction; equivalent to gtk.types.ConstraintAttribute.Right for LTR languages, and gtk.types.ConstraintAttribute.Left for RTL ones |
Width7 | The width of a widget |
Height8 | The height of a widget |
CenterX9 | The center of a widget, on the horizontal axis |
CenterY10 | The center of a widget, on the vertical axis |
Baseline11 | The baseline of a widget |
The widget attributes that can be used when creating a class@Constraint.