
Called to get the request mode, if the widget does not have a layout manager. This allows a widget to tell its parent container whether it prefers to be allocated in gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.HeightForWidth or gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.WidthForHeight mode. gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.HeightForWidth means the widget prefers to have GtkWidgetClass.measure() called first to get the default width (passing a for_size of -1), then again to get the height for said default width. gtk.types.SizeRequestMode.ConstantSize disables any height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management for said widget and is the default return. It’s important to note that any widget which trades height-for-width or width-for-height must respond properly to a for_size value >= -1 passed to GtkWidgetClass.measure, for both possible orientations.

struct GtkWidgetClass
extern (C)
GtkSizeRequestMode function(GtkWidget* widget) getRequestMode;