Value | Meaning |
Normal0 | State during normal operation |
Active1 | Widget is active |
Prelight2 | Widget has a mouse pointer over it |
Selected4 | Widget is selected |
Insensitive8 | Widget is insensitive |
Inconsistent16 | Widget is inconsistent |
Focused32 | Widget has the keyboard focus |
Backdrop64 | Widget is in a background toplevel window |
DirLtr128 | Widget is in left-to-right text direction |
DirRtl256 | Widget is in right-to-left text direction |
Link512 | Widget is a link |
Visited1024 | The location the widget points to has already been visited |
Checked2048 | Widget is checked |
DropActive4096 | Widget is highlighted as a drop target for DND |
FocusVisible8192 | Widget has the visible focus |
FocusWithin16384 | Widget contains the keyboard focus |
Describes a widget state.
Widget states are used to match the widget against CSS pseudo-classes. Note that GTK extends the regular CSS classes and sometimes uses different names.