Value | Meaning |
None-1 | A special value indicating no multiview information. Used in GstVideoInfo and other places to indicate that no specific multiview handling has been requested or provided. This value is never carried on caps. |
Mono0 | All frames are monoscopic. |
Left1 | All frames represent a left-eye view. |
Right2 | All frames represent a right-eye view. |
SideBySide3 | Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively. |
SideBySideQuincunx4 | Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views. |
ColumnInterleaved5 | Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. |
RowInterleaved6 | Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. |
TopBottom7 | The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye. |
Checkerboard8 | Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion. |
FrameByFrame32 | Left and right eye views are provided in separate frames alternately. |
MultiviewFrameByFrame33 | Multiple independent views are provided in separate frames in sequence. This method only applies to raw video buffers at the moment. Specific view identification is via the GstVideoMultiviewMeta and #GstVideoMeta(s) on raw video buffers. |
Separated34 | Multiple views are provided as separate #GstMemory framebuffers attached to each #GstBuffer, described by the GstVideoMultiviewMeta and #GstVideoMeta(s) |
All possible stereoscopic 3D and multiview representations. In conjunction with #GstVideoMultiviewFlags, describes how multiview content is being transported in the stream.