Value | Meaning |
Yuv1 | The video format is YUV, components are numbered 0=Y, 1=U, 2=V. |
Rgb2 | The video format is RGB, components are numbered 0=R, 1=G, 2=B. |
Gray4 | The video is gray, there is one gray component with index 0. |
Alpha8 | The video format has an alpha components with the number 3. |
Le16 | The video format has data stored in little endianness. |
Palette32 | The video format has a palette. The palette is stored in the second plane and indexes are stored in the first plane. |
Complex64 | The video format has a complex layout that can't be described with the usual information in the #GstVideoFormatInfo. |
Unpack128 | This format can be used in a #GstVideoFormatUnpack and #GstVideoFormatPack function. |
Tiled256 | The format is tiled, there is tiling information in the last plane. |
Subtiles512 | The tile size varies per plane according to the subsampling. |
The different video flags that a format info can have.