Value | Meaning |
None0 | No flags |
RightViewFirst1 | For stereo streams, the normal arrangement of left and right views is reversed. |
LeftFlipped2 | The left view is vertically mirrored. |
LeftFlopped4 | The left view is horizontally mirrored. |
RightFlipped8 | The right view is vertically mirrored. |
RightFlopped16 | The right view is horizontally mirrored. |
HalfAspect16384 | For frame-packed multiview modes, indicates that the individual views have been encoded with half the true width or height and should be scaled back up for display. This flag is used for overriding input layout interpretation by adjusting pixel-aspect-ratio. For side-by-side, column interleaved or checkerboard packings, the pixel width will be doubled. For row interleaved and top-bottom encodings, pixel height will be doubled. |
MixedMono32768 | The video stream contains both mono and multiview portions, signalled on each buffer by the absence or presence of the @GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_MULTIPLE_VIEW buffer flag. |
GstVideoMultiviewFlags are used to indicate extra properties of a stereo/multiview stream beyond the frame layout and buffer mapping that is conveyed in the #GstVideoMultiviewMode.