Value | Meaning |
Interlaced1048576 | If the #GstBuffer is interlaced. In mixed interlace-mode, this flags specifies if the frame is interlaced or progressive. |
Tff2097152 | If the #GstBuffer is interlaced, then the first field in the video frame is the top field. If unset, the bottom field is first. |
Rff4194304 | If the #GstBuffer is interlaced, then the first field (as defined by the gstvideo.types.VideoBufferFlags.Tff flag setting) is repeated. |
Onefield8388608 | If the #GstBuffer is interlaced, then only the first field (as defined by the gstvideo.types.VideoBufferFlags.Tff flag setting) is to be displayed (Since: 1.16). |
MultipleView16777216 | The #GstBuffer contains one or more specific views, such as left or right eye view. This flags is set on any buffer that contains non-mono content - even for streams that contain only a single viewpoint. In mixed mono / non-mono streams, the absence of the flag marks mono buffers. |
FirstInBundle33554432 | When conveying stereo/multiview content with frame-by-frame methods, this flag marks the first buffer in a bundle of frames that belong together. |
TopField10485760 | The video frame has the top field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TFF | GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_ONEFIELD (Since: 1.16). Use GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_IS_TOP_FIELD() to check for this flag. |
BottomField8388608 | The video frame has the bottom field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_ONEFIELD (GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TFF flag unset) (Since: 1.16). Use GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_IS_BOTTOM_FIELD() to check for this flag. |
Marker512 | The #GstBuffer contains the end of a video field or frame boundary such as the last subframe or packet (Since: 1.18). |
Last268435456 | Offset to define more flags |
Additional video buffer flags. These flags can potentially be used on any buffers carrying closed caption data, or video data - even encoded data.
Note that these are only valid for #GstCaps of type: video/... and caption/... They can conflict with other extended buffer flags.