Value | Meaning |
None-1 | A special value indicating no frame packing info. |
Mono0 | All frames are monoscopic. |
Left1 | All frames represent a left-eye view. |
Right2 | All frames represent a right-eye view. |
SideBySide3 | Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively. |
SideBySideQuincunx4 | Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views. |
ColumnInterleaved5 | Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. |
RowInterleaved6 | Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. |
TopBottom7 | The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye. |
Checkerboard8 | Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion. |
#GstVideoMultiviewFramePacking represents the subset of #GstVideoMultiviewMode values that can be applied to any video frame without needing extra metadata. It can be used by elements that provide a property to override the multiview interpretation of a video stream when the video doesn't contain any markers.
This enum is used (for example) on playbin, to re-interpret a played video stream as a stereoscopic video. The individual enum values are equivalent to and have the same value as the matching #GstVideoMultiviewMode.