Value | Meaning |
Unknown0 | unknown query type |
Position2563 | current position in stream |
Duration5123 | total duration of the stream |
Latency7683 | latency of stream |
Jitter10243 | current jitter of stream |
Rate12803 | current rate of the stream |
Seeking15363 | seeking capabilities |
Segment17923 | segment start/stop positions |
Convert20483 | convert values between formats |
Formats23043 | query supported formats for convert |
Buffering28163 | query available media for efficient seeking. |
Custom30723 | a custom application or element defined query. |
Uri33283 | query the URI of the source or sink. |
Allocation35846 | the buffer allocation properties |
Scheduling38401 | the scheduling properties |
AcceptCaps40963 | the accept caps query |
Caps43523 | the caps query |
Drain46086 | wait till all serialized data is consumed downstream |
Context48643 | query the pipeline-local context from downstream or upstream (since 1.2) |
Bitrate51202 | the bitrate query (since 1.16) |
Selectable53763 | Query stream selection capability. |
Standard predefined Query types