Value | Meaning |
Nothing0 | Don't check hierarchy or caps compatibility. |
Hierarchy1 | Check the pads have same parents/grandparents. Could be omitted if it is already known that the two elements that own the pads are in the same bin. |
TemplateCaps2 | Check if the pads are compatible by using their template caps. This is much faster than @GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_CAPS, but would be unsafe e.g. if one pad has GST_CAPS_ANY. |
Caps4 | Check if the pads are compatible by comparing the caps returned by gst.pad.Pad.queryCaps. |
NoReconfigure8 | Disables pushing a reconfigure event when pads are linked. |
Default5 | The default checks done when linking pads (i.e. the ones used by |
The amount of checking to be done when linking pads. @GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_CAPS and @GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_TEMPLATE_CAPS are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, expensive but safe @GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_CAPS are performed.
> Only disable some of the checks if you are 100% certain you know the link > will not fail because of hierarchy/caps compatibility failures. If uncertain, > use the default checks (gst.types.PadLinkCheck.Default) or the regular methods > for linking the pads.