A structure containing the result of a map operation such as
gst.memory.Memory.map. It contains the data and size.
#GstMapInfo cannot be used with g_auto() because it is ambiguous whether it
needs to be unmapped using gst.buffer.Buffer.unmap or gst.memory.Memory.unmap. Instead,
#GstBufferMapInfo and #GstMemoryMapInfo can be used in that case.
A structure containing the result of a map operation such as gst.memory.Memory.map. It contains the data and size.
#GstMapInfo cannot be used with g_auto() because it is ambiguous whether it needs to be unmapped using gst.buffer.Buffer.unmap or gst.memory.Memory.unmap. Instead, #GstBufferMapInfo and #GstMemoryMapInfo can be used in that case.