Value | Meaning |
Blocked16 | is dataflow on a pad blocked |
Flushing32 | is pad flushing |
Eos64 | is pad in EOS state |
Blocking128 | is pad currently blocking on a buffer or event |
NeedParent256 | ensure that there is a parent object before calling into the pad callbacks. |
NeedReconfigure512 | the pad should be reconfigured/renegotiated. The flag has to be unset manually after reconfiguration happened. |
PendingEvents1024 | the pad has pending events |
FixedCaps2048 | the pad is using fixed caps. This means that once the caps are set on the pad, the default caps query function will only return those caps. |
ProxyCaps4096 | the default event and query handler will forward all events and queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. |
ProxyAllocation8192 | the default query handler will forward allocation queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. |
ProxyScheduling16384 | the default query handler will forward scheduling queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. |
AcceptIntersect32768 | the default accept-caps handler will check it the caps intersect the query-caps result instead of checking for a subset. This is interesting for parsers that can accept incompletely specified caps. |
AcceptTemplate65536 | the default accept-caps handler will use the template pad caps instead of query caps to compare with the accept caps. Use this in combination with gst.types.PadFlags.AcceptIntersect. (Since: 1.6) |
Last1048576 | offset to define more flags |
Pad state flags