Value | Meaning |
Failed1 | a general error which doesn't fit in any other category. Make sure you add a custom message to the error call. |
TooLazy2 | do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code. |
NotImplemented3 | use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet. |
StateChange4 | used for state change errors. |
Pad5 | used for pad-related errors. |
Thread6 | used for thread-related errors. |
Negotiation7 | used for negotiation-related errors. |
Event8 | used for event-related errors. |
Seek9 | used for seek-related errors. |
Caps10 | used for caps-related errors. |
Tag11 | used for negotiation-related errors. |
MissingPlugin12 | used if a plugin is missing. |
Clock13 | used for clock related errors. |
Disabled14 | used if functionality has been disabled at compile time. |
NumErrors15 | the number of core error types. |
Core errors are errors inside the core GStreamer library.