Value | Meaning |
Unknown0 | unknown event. |
FlushStart2563 | Start a flush operation. This event clears all data from the pipeline and unblock all streaming threads. |
FlushStop5127 | Stop a flush operation. This event resets the running-time of the pipeline. |
StreamStart10254 | Event to mark the start of a new stream. Sent before any other serialized event and only sent at the start of a new stream, not after flushing seeks. |
Caps12814 | #GstCaps event. Notify the pad of a new media type. |
Segment17934 | A new media segment follows in the dataflow. The segment events contains information for clipping buffers and converting buffer timestamps to running-time and stream-time. |
StreamCollection19230 | A new #GstStreamCollection is available (Since: 1.10) |
Tag20510 | A new set of metadata tags has been found in the stream. |
Buffersize23054 | Notification of buffering requirements. Currently not used yet. |
SinkMessage25630 | An event that sinks turn into a message. Used to send messages that should be emitted in sync with rendering. |
StreamGroupDone26894 | Indicates that there is no more data for the stream group ID in the message. Sent before EOS in some instances and should be handled mostly the same. (Since: 1.10) |
Eos28174 | End-Of-Stream. No more data is to be expected to follow without either a STREAM_START event, or a FLUSH_STOP and a SEGMENT event. |
Toc30750 | An event which indicates that a new table of contents (TOC) was found or updated. |
Protection33310 | An event which indicates that new or updated encryption information has been found in the stream. |
SegmentDone38406 | Marks the end of a segment playback. |
Gap40966 | Marks a gap in the datastream. |
InstantRateChange46090 | Notify downstream that a playback rate override should be applied as soon as possible. (Since: 1.18) |
Qos48641 | A quality message. Used to indicate to upstream elements that the downstream elements should adjust their processing rate. |
Seek51201 | A request for a new playback position and rate. |
Navigation53761 | Navigation events are usually used for communicating user requests, such as mouse or keyboard movements, to upstream elements. |
Latency56321 | Notification of new latency adjustment. Sinks will use the latency information to adjust their synchronisation. |
Step58881 | A request for stepping through the media. Sinks will usually execute the step operation. |
Reconfigure61441 | A request for upstream renegotiating caps and reconfiguring. |
TocSelect64001 | A request for a new playback position based on TOC entry's UID. |
SelectStreams66561 | A request to select one or more streams (Since: 1.10) |
InstantRateSyncTime66817 | Sent by the pipeline to notify elements that handle the instant-rate-change event about the running-time when the rate multiplier should be applied (or was applied). (Since: 1.18) |
CustomUpstream69121 | Upstream custom event |
CustomDownstream71686 | Downstream custom event that travels in the data flow. |
CustomDownstreamOob74242 | Custom out-of-band downstream event. |
CustomDownstreamSticky76830 | Custom sticky downstream event. |
CustomBoth79367 | Custom upstream or downstream event. In-band when travelling downstream. |
CustomBothOob81923 | Custom upstream or downstream out-of-band event. |
#GstEventType lists the standard event types that can be sent in a pipeline.
The custom event types can be used for private messages between elements that can't be expressed using normal GStreamer buffer passing semantics. Custom events carry an arbitrary #GstStructure. Specific custom events are distinguished by the name of the structure.