Describes the possible top or bottom bar styles in an class@ToolbarView
adw.types.ToolbarStyle.Flat is suitable for simple content, such as
class@StatusPage or class@PreferencesPage, where the background at the
top and bottom parts of the page is uniform. Additionally, windows with
sidebars should always use this style.
adw.types.ToolbarStyle.Raised style is suitable for content such as
utility panes,
where some elements are directly adjacent to the top/bottom bars, or
class@TabView, where each page can have a different background.
Describes the possible top or bottom bar styles in an class@ToolbarView widget.
adw.types.ToolbarStyle.Flat is suitable for simple content, such as class@StatusPage or class@PreferencesPage, where the background at the top and bottom parts of the page is uniform. Additionally, windows with sidebars should always use this style.
<picture style="min-width: 33%; display: inline-block;"> <source srcset="toolbar-view-flat-1-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="toolbar-view-flat-1.png" alt="toolbar-view-flat-1"> </picture> <picture style="min-width: 33%; display: inline-block;"> <source srcset="toolbar-view-flat-2-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="toolbar-view-flat-2.png" alt="toolbar-view-flat-2"> </picture>
adw.types.ToolbarStyle.Raised style is suitable for content such as utility panes, where some elements are directly adjacent to the top/bottom bars, or class@TabView, where each page can have a different background.
adw.types.ToolbarStyle.RaisedBorder style is similar to adw.types.ToolbarStyle.Raised, but with the shadow replaced with a more subtle border. It's intended to be used in applications like image viewers, where a shadow over the content might be undesired.
<picture style="min-width: 33%; display: inline-block;"> <source srcset="toolbar-view-raised-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="toolbar-view-raised.png" alt="toolbar-view-raised"> </picture> <picture style="min-width: 33%; display: inline-block;"> <source srcset="toolbar-view-raised-border-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="toolbar-view-raised-border.png" alt="toolbar-view-raised-border"> </picture>
See property@ToolbarView:top-bar-style and property@ToolbarView:bottom-bar-style.
New values may be added to this enumeration over time.