
An adaptive container acting like a box or an overlay.

<picture> <source srcset="flap-wide-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="flap-wide.png" alt="flap-wide"> </picture> <picture> <source srcset="flap-narrow-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="flap-narrow.png" alt="flap-narrow"> </picture>

The adw.flap.Flap widget can display its children like a does or like a gtk.overlay.Overlay does, according to the property@Flap:fold-policy value.

adw.flap.Flap has at most three children: property@Flap:content, property@Flap:flap and property@Flap:separator. Content is the primary child, flap is displayed next to it when unfolded, or overlays it when folded. Flap can be shown or hidden by changing the property@Flap:reveal-flap value, as well as via swipe gestures if property@Flap:swipe-to-open and/or property@Flap:swipe-to-close are set to TRUE.

Optionally, a separator can be provided, which would be displayed between the content and the flap when there's no shadow to separate them, depending on the transition type.

property@Flap:flap is transparent by default; add the `.background` style class to it if this is unwanted.

If property@Flap:modal is set to TRUE, content becomes completely inaccessible when the flap is revealed while folded.

The position of the flap and separator children relative to the content is determined by orientation, as well as the property@Flap:flap-position value.

Folding the flap will automatically hide the flap widget, and unfolding it will automatically reveal it. If this behavior is not desired, the property@Flap:locked property can be used to override it.

Common use cases include sidebars, header bars that need to be able to overlap the window content (for example, in fullscreen mode) and bottom sheets.

AdwFlap as GtkBuildable

The adw.flap.Flap implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface supports setting the flap child by specifying “flap” as the “type” attribute of a <child> element, and separator by specifying “separator”. Specifying “content” child type or omitting it results in setting the content child.

CSS nodes

adw.flap.Flap has a single CSS node with name flap. The node will get the style classes .folded when it is folded, and .unfolded when it's not.

struct AdwFlap

Detailed Description

Deprecated: See the migration guide