
An adaptive container acting like a box or a stack.

<picture> <source srcset="leaflet-wide-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="leaflet-wide.png" alt="leaflet-wide"> </picture> <picture> <source srcset="leaflet-narrow-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="leaflet-narrow.png" alt="leaflet-narrow"> </picture>

The adw.leaflet.Leaflet widget can display its children like a does or like a gtk.stack.Stack does, adapting to size changes by switching between the two modes.

When there is enough space the children are displayed side by side, otherwise only one is displayed and the leaflet is said to be “folded”. The threshold is dictated by the preferred minimum sizes of the children. When a leaflet is folded, the children can be navigated using swipe gestures.

The “over” and “under” transition types stack the children one on top of the other, while the “slide” transition puts the children side by side. While navigating to a child on the side or below can be performed by swiping the current child away, navigating to an upper child requires dragging it from the edge where it resides. This doesn't affect non-dragging swipes.

CSS nodes

adw.leaflet.Leaflet has a single CSS node with name leaflet. The node will get the style classes .folded when it is folded, .unfolded when it's not, or none if it hasn't computed its fold yet.

struct AdwLeaflet

Detailed Description

Deprecated: See the migration guide