Static pages, as well as any pages in the navigation stack, can be accessed
by their property@NavigationPage:tag. For example,
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.pushByTag can be used to push a static page that's
not in the navigation stack without having to keep a reference to it manually.
When used inside adw.navigation_view.NavigationView, class@HeaderBar will automatically
display a back button that can be used to go back to the previous page when
possible. The button also has a context menu, allowing to pop multiple pages
at once, potentially across multiple navigation views.
Set property@HeaderBar:show-back-button to FALSE to disable this behavior
in rare scenarios where it's unwanted.
<kbd>Escape</kbd> (unless property@NavigationView:pop-on-escape is set to
Back mouse button
Additionally, it supports interactive gestures:
One-finger swipe towards the right on touchscreens
Scrolling towards the right on touchpads (usually two-finger swipe)
These gestures have transitions enabled regardless of the
property@NavigationView:animate-transitions value.
Applications can also enable shortcuts for pushing another page onto the
navigation stack via connecting to the signal@NavigationView::get-next-page
signal, in that case the following shortcuts are supported:
Forward mouse button
Swipe/scrolling towards the left
For right-to-left locales, the gestures and shortcuts are reversed.
property@NavigationPage:can-pop can be used to disable them, along with the
header bar back buttons.
A page-based navigation container.
<picture> <source srcset="navigation-view-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="navigation-view.png" alt="navigation-view"> </picture>
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView presents one child at a time, similar to gtk.stack.Stack.
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView can only contain class@NavigationPage children.
It maintains a navigation stack that can be controlled with adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.push and adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.pop. The whole navigation stack can also be replaced using adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.replace.
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView allows to manage pages statically or dynamically.
Static pages can be added using the adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.add method. The adw.navigation_view.NavigationView will keep a reference to these pages, but they aren't accessible to the user until adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.push is called (except for the first page, which is pushed automatically). Use the adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.remove method to remove them. This is useful for applications that have a small number of unique pages and just need navigation between them.
Dynamic pages are automatically destroyed once they are popped off the navigation stack. To add a page like this, push it using the adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.push method without calling adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.add first.
Static pages, as well as any pages in the navigation stack, can be accessed by their property@NavigationPage:tag. For example, adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.pushByTag can be used to push a static page that's not in the navigation stack without having to keep a reference to it manually.
Header Bar Integration
When used inside adw.navigation_view.NavigationView, class@HeaderBar will automatically display a back button that can be used to go back to the previous page when possible. The button also has a context menu, allowing to pop multiple pages at once, potentially across multiple navigation views.
Set property@HeaderBar:show-back-button to FALSE to disable this behavior in rare scenarios where it's unwanted.
adw.header_bar.HeaderBar will also display the title of the adw.navigation_page.NavigationPage it's placed into, so most applications shouldn't need to customize it at all.
Shortcuts and Gestures
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView supports the following shortcuts for going to the previous page:
Additionally, it supports interactive gestures:
These gestures have transitions enabled regardless of the property@NavigationView:animate-transitions value.
Applications can also enable shortcuts for pushing another page onto the navigation stack via connecting to the signal@NavigationView::get-next-page signal, in that case the following shortcuts are supported:
For right-to-left locales, the gestures and shortcuts are reversed.
property@NavigationPage:can-pop can be used to disable them, along with the header bar back buttons.
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView defines actions for controlling the navigation stack. actions for controlling the navigation stack:
push, and is equivalent to calling adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.pushByTag.
the navigation stack, equivalent to calling adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.pop.
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView as gtk.buildable.Buildable
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView allows to add pages as children, equivalent to using the adw.navigation_view.NavigationView.add method.
Example of an adw.navigation_view.NavigationView UI definition:
<picture> <source srcset="navigation-view-example-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="navigation-view-example.png" alt="navigation-view-example"> </picture>
CSS nodes
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView has a single CSS node with the name navigation-view.
adw.navigation_view.NavigationView uses the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.Group role.