The adw.switch_row.SwitchRow widget contains a gtk.switch_.Switch that allows the user
to select between two states: "on" or "off". When activated, the row will
invert its active state.
The user can control the switch by activating the row or by dragging on the
switch handle.
A gtk.list_box_row.ListBoxRow used to represent two states.
<picture> <source srcset="switch-row-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="switch-row.png" alt="switch-row"> </picture>
The adw.switch_row.SwitchRow widget contains a gtk.switch_.Switch that allows the user to select between two states: "on" or "off". When activated, the row will invert its active state.
The user can control the switch by activating the row or by dragging on the switch handle.
See gtk.switch_.Switch for details.
Example of an adw.switch_row.SwitchRow UI definition:
The property@SwitchRow:active property should be connected to in order to monitor changes to the active state.
adw.switch_row.SwitchRow uses the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.Switch role.