To summarize the role of the preferences it gathers, a group can have both a
title and a description. The title will be used by class@PreferencesDialog
to let the user look for a preference.
The adw.preferences_group.PreferencesGroup implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface
supports adding class@PreferencesRows to the list by omitting "type". If "type"
is omitted and the widget isn't a class@PreferencesRow the child is added to
a box below the list.
When the "type" attribute of a child is header-suffix, the child
is set as the suffix on the end of the title and description.
A group of preference rows.
<picture> <source srcset="preferences-group-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="preferences-group.png" alt="preferences-group"> </picture>
An adw.preferences_group.PreferencesGroup represents a group or tightly related preferences, which in turn are represented by class@PreferencesRow.
To summarize the role of the preferences it gathers, a group can have both a title and a description. The title will be used by class@PreferencesDialog to let the user look for a preference.
AdwPreferencesGroup as GtkBuildable
The adw.preferences_group.PreferencesGroup implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface supports adding class@PreferencesRows to the list by omitting "type". If "type" is omitted and the widget isn't a class@PreferencesRow the child is added to a box below the list.
When the "type" attribute of a child is header-suffix, the child is set as the suffix on the end of the title and description.
CSS nodes
adw.preferences_group.PreferencesGroup has a single CSS node with name preferencesgroup.
adw.preferences_group.PreferencesGroup uses the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.Group role.