The adw.action_row.ActionRow widget can have a title, a subtitle and an icon. The row
can receive additional widgets at its end, or prefix widgets at its start.
It is convenient to present a preference and its related actions.
adw.action_row.ActionRow is unactivatable by default, giving it an activatable widget
will automatically make it activatable, but unsetting it won't change the
row's activatability.
The adw.action_row.ActionRow implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface
supports adding a child at its end by specifying “suffix” or omitting the
“type” attribute of a <child> element.
It also supports adding a child as a prefix widget by specifying “prefix” as
the “type” attribute of a <child> element.
It contains the subnode box.header for its main horizontal box, and
box.title for the vertical box containing the title and subtitle labels.
It contains subnodes label.title and label.subtitle representing
respectively the title label and subtitle label.
adw.action_row.ActionRow can use the
`.property` style class to emphasize
the row subtitle instead of the row title, which is useful for
displaying read-only properties.
A gtk.list_box_row.ListBoxRow used to present actions.
<picture> <source srcset="action-row-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="action-row.png" alt="action-row"> </picture>
The adw.action_row.ActionRow widget can have a title, a subtitle and an icon. The row can receive additional widgets at its end, or prefix widgets at its start.
It is convenient to present a preference and its related actions.
adw.action_row.ActionRow is unactivatable by default, giving it an activatable widget will automatically make it activatable, but unsetting it won't change the row's activatability.
AdwActionRow as GtkBuildable
The adw.action_row.ActionRow implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface supports adding a child at its end by specifying “suffix” or omitting the “type” attribute of a <child> element.
It also supports adding a child as a prefix widget by specifying “prefix” as the “type” attribute of a <child> element.
CSS nodes
adw.action_row.ActionRow has a main CSS node with name row.
It contains the subnode box.header for its main horizontal box, and box.title for the vertical box containing the title and subtitle labels.
It contains subnodes label.title and label.subtitle representing respectively the title label and subtitle label.
adw.action_row.ActionRow can use the `.property` style class to emphasize the row subtitle instead of the row title, which is useful for displaying read-only properties.