Value | Meaning |
Control0 | General category "Other, Control" (Cc) |
Format1 | General category "Other, Format" (Cf) |
Unassigned2 | General category "Other, Not Assigned" (Cn) |
PrivateUse3 | General category "Other, Private Use" (Co) |
Surrogate4 | General category "Other, Surrogate" (Cs) |
LowercaseLetter5 | General category "Letter, Lowercase" (Ll) |
ModifierLetter6 | General category "Letter, Modifier" (Lm) |
OtherLetter7 | General category "Letter, Other" (Lo) |
TitlecaseLetter8 | General category "Letter, Titlecase" (Lt) |
UppercaseLetter9 | General category "Letter, Uppercase" (Lu) |
SpacingMark10 | General category "Mark, Spacing" (Mc) |
EnclosingMark11 | General category "Mark, Enclosing" (Me) |
NonSpacingMark12 | General category "Mark, Nonspacing" (Mn) |
DecimalNumber13 | General category "Number, Decimal Digit" (Nd) |
LetterNumber14 | General category "Number, Letter" (Nl) |
OtherNumber15 | General category "Number, Other" (No) |
ConnectPunctuation16 | General category "Punctuation, Connector" (Pc) |
DashPunctuation17 | General category "Punctuation, Dash" (Pd) |
ClosePunctuation18 | General category "Punctuation, Close" (Pe) |
FinalPunctuation19 | General category "Punctuation, Final quote" (Pf) |
InitialPunctuation20 | General category "Punctuation, Initial quote" (Pi) |
OtherPunctuation21 | General category "Punctuation, Other" (Po) |
OpenPunctuation22 | General category "Punctuation, Open" (Ps) |
CurrencySymbol23 | General category "Symbol, Currency" (Sc) |
ModifierSymbol24 | General category "Symbol, Modifier" (Sk) |
MathSymbol25 | General category "Symbol, Math" (Sm) |
OtherSymbol26 | General category "Symbol, Other" (So) |
LineSeparator27 | General category "Separator, Line" (Zl) |
ParagraphSeparator28 | General category "Separator, Paragraph" (Zp) |
SpaceSeparator29 | General category "Separator, Space" (Zs) |
These are the possible character classifications from the Unicode specification. See Unicode Character Database.