
A glib.time_zone.TimeZone represents a time zone, at no particular point in time.

The glib.time_zone.TimeZone struct is refcounted and immutable.

Each time zone has an identifier (for example, ‘Europe/London’) which is platform dependent. See glib.time_zone.TimeZone.new_ for information on the identifier formats. The identifier of a time zone can be retrieved using glib.time_zone.TimeZone.getIdentifier.

A time zone contains a number of intervals. Each interval has an abbreviation to describe it (for example, ‘PDT’), an offset to UTC and a flag indicating if the daylight savings time is in effect during that interval. A time zone always has at least one interval — interval 0. Note that interval abbreviations are not the same as time zone identifiers (apart from ‘UTC’), and cannot be passed to glib.time_zone.TimeZone.new_.

Every UTC time is contained within exactly one interval, but a given local time may be contained within zero, one or two intervals (due to incontinuities associated with daylight savings time).

An interval may refer to a specific period of time (eg: the duration of daylight savings time during 2010) or it may refer to many periods of time that share the same properties (eg: all periods of daylight savings time). It is also possible (usually for political reasons) that some properties (like the abbreviation) change between intervals without other properties changing.

struct GTimeZone