virtual function pointer for glib.cond.Cond.broadcast
virtual function pointer for
virtual function pointer for glib.cond.Cond.new_
virtual function pointer for glib.cond.Cond.signal
virtual function pointer for glib.cond.Cond.timedWait
virtual function pointer for glib.cond.Cond.wait
virtual function pointer for
virtual function pointer for glib.mutex.Mutex.lock
virtual function pointer for glib.mutex.Mutex.new_
virtual function pointer for glib.mutex.Mutex.trylock
virtual function pointer for glib.mutex.Mutex.unlock
virtual function pointer for glib.private_.Private.get
virtual function pointer for glib.private_.Private.new_
virtual function pointer for glib.private_.Private.set
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.create
used internally by recursive mutex locks and by some assertion checks
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.exit
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.join
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.self
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.setPriority
virtual function pointer for glib.thread.Thread.yield
This function table is no longer used by glib.thread.Thread.init_ to initialize the thread system.