Value | Meaning |
Mandatory0 | Mandatory Break (BK) |
CarriageReturn1 | Carriage Return (CR) |
LineFeed2 | Line Feed (LF) |
CombiningMark3 | Attached Characters and Combining Marks (CM) |
Surrogate4 | Surrogates (SG) |
ZeroWidthSpace5 | Zero Width Space (ZW) |
Inseparable6 | Inseparable (IN) |
NonBreakingGlue7 | Non-breaking ("Glue") (GL) |
Contingent8 | Contingent Break Opportunity (CB) |
Space9 | Space (SP) |
After10 | Break Opportunity After (BA) |
Before11 | Break Opportunity Before (BB) |
BeforeAndAfter12 | Break Opportunity Before and After (B2) |
Hyphen13 | Hyphen (HY) |
NonStarter14 | Nonstarter (NS) |
OpenPunctuation15 | Opening Punctuation (OP) |
ClosePunctuation16 | Closing Punctuation (CL) |
Quotation17 | Ambiguous Quotation (QU) |
Exclamation18 | Exclamation/Interrogation (EX) |
Ideographic19 | Ideographic (ID) |
Numeric20 | Numeric (NU) |
InfixSeparator21 | Infix Separator (Numeric) (IS) |
Symbol22 | Symbols Allowing Break After (SY) |
Alphabetic23 | Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters (AL) |
Prefix24 | Prefix (Numeric) (PR) |
Postfix25 | Postfix (Numeric) (PO) |
ComplexContext26 | Complex Content Dependent (South East Asian) (SA) |
Ambiguous27 | Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic) (AI) |
Unknown28 | Unknown (XX) |
NextLine29 | Next Line (NL) |
WordJoiner30 | Word Joiner (WJ) |
HangulLJamo31 | Hangul L Jamo (JL) |
HangulVJamo32 | Hangul V Jamo (JV) |
HangulTJamo33 | Hangul T Jamo (JT) |
HangulLvSyllable34 | Hangul LV Syllable (H2) |
HangulLvtSyllable35 | Hangul LVT Syllable (H3) |
CloseParanthesis36 | Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.28. Deprecated: 2.70: Use glib.types.UnicodeBreakType.CloseParenthesis instead. |
CloseParenthesis36 | Closing Parenthesis (CP). Since 2.70 |
ConditionalJapaneseStarter37 | Conditional Japanese Starter (CJ). Since: 2.32 |
HebrewLetter38 | Hebrew Letter (HL). Since: 2.32 |
RegionalIndicator39 | Regional Indicator (RI). Since: 2.36 |
EmojiBase40 | Emoji Base (EB). Since: 2.50 |
EmojiModifier41 | Emoji Modifier (EM). Since: 2.50 |
ZeroWidthJoiner42 | Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ). Since: 2.50 |
Aksara43 | Aksara (AK). Since: 2.80 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_AKSARA_PRE_BASE (AP). Since: 2.80 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_AKSARA_START (AS). Since: 2.80 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_VIRAMA_FINAL (VF). Since: 2.80 @G_UNICODE_BREAK_VIRAMA (VI). Since: 2.80 |
AksaraPreBase44 | |
AksaraStart45 | |
ViramaFinal46 | |
Virama47 |
These are the possible line break classifications.
Since new Unicode versions may add new types here, applications should be ready to handle unknown values. They may be regarded as glib.types.UnicodeBreakType.Unknown.
See Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm.