Value | Meaning |
Eof0 | the end of the file |
LeftParen40 | a '(' character |
RightParen41 | a ')' character |
LeftCurly123 | a '{' character |
RightCurly125 | a '}' character |
LeftBrace91 | a '[' character |
RightBrace93 | a ']' character |
EqualSign61 | a '=' character |
Comma44 | a ',' character |
None256 | not a token |
Error257 | an error occurred |
Char258 | a character |
Binary259 | a binary integer |
Octal260 | an octal integer |
Int261 | an integer |
Hex262 | a hex integer |
Float263 | a floating point number |
String264 | a string |
Symbol265 | a symbol |
Identifier266 | an identifier |
IdentifierNull267 | a null identifier |
CommentSingle268 | one line comment |
CommentMulti269 | multi line comment |
The possible types of token returned from each glib.scanner.Scanner.getNextToken call.