A gtksource.buffer.Buffer object is the model for class@View widgets.
It extends the gtk.text_buffer.TextBuffer class by adding features useful to display
and edit source code such as syntax highlighting and bracket matching.
It is possible to retrieve some information from the syntax highlighting
engine. The default context classes that are applied to regions of a
comment**: the region delimits a comment;
no-spell-check**: the region should not be spell checked;
path**: the region delimits a path to a file;
string**: the region delimits a string.
Custom language definition files can create their own context classes,
since the functions like gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterHasContextClass take
a string parameter as the context class.
And the signal@GtkSource.Buffer::highlight-updated signal permits to be notified
when a context class region changes.
Each context class has also an associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag with the name
gtksourceview:context-classes:<name>. For example to
retrieve the gtk.text_tag.TextTag for the string context class, one can write:
The tag doesn't always exist, you need to listen to the
signal@Gtk.TextTagTable::tag-added and signal@Gtk.TextTagTable::tag-removed signals.
Instead of the signal@GtkSource.Buffer::highlight-updated signal, you can listen
to the signal@Gtk.TextBuffer::apply-tag and signal@Gtk.TextBuffer::remove-tag signals.
A possible use-case for accessing a context class via the associated
gtk.text_tag.TextTag is to read the region but without adding a hard dependency on the
GtkSourceView library (for example for a spell-checking library that wants to
read the no-spell-check region).
Subclass of gtk.text_buffer.TextBuffer.
A gtksource.buffer.Buffer object is the model for class@View widgets. It extends the gtk.text_buffer.TextBuffer class by adding features useful to display and edit source code such as syntax highlighting and bracket matching.
To create a gtksource.buffer.Buffer use gtksource.buffer.Buffer.new_ or gtksource.buffer.Buffer.newWithLanguage. The second form is just a convenience function which allows you to initially set a class@Language. You can also directly create a class@View and get its class@Buffer with gtk.text_view.TextView.getBuffer.
The highlighting is enabled by default, but you can disable it with gtksource.buffer.Buffer.setHighlightSyntax.
Context Classes:
It is possible to retrieve some information from the syntax highlighting engine. The default context classes that are applied to regions of a gtksource.buffer.Buffer:
Custom language definition files can create their own context classes, since the functions like gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterHasContextClass take a string parameter as the context class.
gtksource.buffer.Buffer provides an API to access the context classes: gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterHasContextClass, gtksource.buffer.Buffer.getContextClassesAtIter, gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterForwardToContextClassToggle and gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterBackwardToContextClassToggle.
And the signal@GtkSource.Buffer::highlight-updated signal permits to be notified when a context class region changes.
Each context class has also an associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag with the name gtksourceview:context-classes:<name>. For example to retrieve the gtk.text_tag.TextTag for the string context class, one can write:
GtkTextTagTable *tag_table; GtkTextTag *tag; tag_table = gtk_text_buffer_get_tag_table (buffer); tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (tag_table, "gtksourceview:context-classes:string");
The tag must be used for read-only purposes.
Accessing a context class via the associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag is less convenient than the gtksource.buffer.Buffer API, because:
A possible use-case for accessing a context class via the associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag is to read the region but without adding a hard dependency on the GtkSourceView library (for example for a spell-checking library that wants to read the no-spell-check region).