- backwardIterToSourceMark
bool backwardIterToSourceMark(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string category)
Moves iter to the position of the previous classMark of the given
- changeCase
void changeCase(gtksource.types.ChangeCaseType caseType, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Changes the case of the text between the specified iterators.
- connectBracketMatched
ulong connectBracketMatched(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to BracketMatched signal.
- connectCursorMoved
ulong connectCursorMoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to CursorMoved signal.
- connectHighlightUpdated
ulong connectHighlightUpdated(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to HighlightUpdated signal.
- connectSourceMarkUpdated
ulong connectSourceMarkUpdated(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to SourceMarkUpdated signal.
- createSourceMark
gtksource.mark.Mark createSourceMark(string name, string category, gtk.text_iter.TextIter where)
Creates a source mark in the buffer of category category.
- ensureHighlight
void ensureHighlight(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Forces buffer to analyze and highlight the given area synchronously.
- forwardIterToSourceMark
bool forwardIterToSourceMark(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string category)
Moves iter to the position of the next classMark of the given
- getContextClassesAtIter
string[] getContextClassesAtIter(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter)
Get all defined context classes at iter.
- getHighlightMatchingBrackets
bool getHighlightMatchingBrackets()
Determines whether bracket match highlighting is activated for the
source buffer.
- getHighlightSyntax
bool getHighlightSyntax()
Determines whether syntax highlighting is activated in the source
- getImplicitTrailingNewline
bool getImplicitTrailingNewline()
- getLanguage
gtksource.language.Language getLanguage()
- getLoading
bool getLoading()
- getSourceMarksAtIter
gtksource.mark.Mark[] getSourceMarksAtIter(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string category)
Returns the list of marks of the given category at iter.
- getSourceMarksAtLine
gtksource.mark.Mark[] getSourceMarksAtLine(int line, string category)
Returns the list of marks of the given category at line.
- getStyleScheme
gtksource.style_scheme.StyleScheme getStyleScheme()
- iterBackwardToContextClassToggle
bool iterBackwardToContextClassToggle(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string contextClass)
Moves backward to the next toggle (on or off) of the context class.
- iterForwardToContextClassToggle
bool iterForwardToContextClassToggle(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string contextClass)
Moves forward to the next toggle (on or off) of the context class.
- iterHasContextClass
bool iterHasContextClass(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string contextClass)
Check if the class context_class is set on iter.
- joinLines
void joinLines(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Joins the lines of text between the specified iterators.
- removeSourceMarks
void removeSourceMarks(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end, string category)
Remove all marks of category between start and end from the buffer.
- setHighlightMatchingBrackets
void setHighlightMatchingBrackets(bool highlight)
Controls the bracket match highlighting function in the buffer.
- setHighlightSyntax
void setHighlightSyntax(bool highlight)
Controls whether syntax is highlighted in the buffer.
- setImplicitTrailingNewline
void setImplicitTrailingNewline(bool implicitTrailingNewline)
Sets whether the buffer has an implicit trailing newline.
- setLanguage
void setLanguage(gtksource.language.Language language)
Associates a classLanguage with the buffer.
- setStyleScheme
void setStyleScheme(gtksource.style_scheme.StyleScheme scheme)
Sets a classStyleScheme to be used by the buffer and the view.
- sortLines
void sortLines(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end, gtksource.types.SortFlags flags, int column)
Sort the lines of text between the specified iterators.
- addMark
void addMark(gtk.text_mark.TextMark mark, gtk.text_iter.TextIter where)
Adds the mark at position where.
- addSelectionClipboard
void addSelectionClipboard(gdk.clipboard.Clipboard clipboard)
Adds clipboard to the list of clipboards in which the selection
contents of buffer are available.
- applyTag
void applyTag(gtk.text_tag.TextTag tag, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Emits the “apply-tag” signal on buffer.
- applyTagByName
void applyTagByName(string name, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Emits the “apply-tag” signal on buffer.
- backspace
bool backspace(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, bool interactive, bool defaultEditable)
Performs the appropriate action as if the user hit the delete
key with the cursor at the position specified by iter.
- beginIrreversibleAction
void beginIrreversibleAction()
Denotes the beginning of an action that may not be undone.
- beginUserAction
void beginUserAction()
- copyClipboard
void copyClipboard(gdk.clipboard.Clipboard clipboard)
Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard.
- createChildAnchor
gtk.text_child_anchor.TextChildAnchor createChildAnchor(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter)
Creates and inserts a child anchor.
- createMark
gtk.text_mark.TextMark createMark(string markName, gtk.text_iter.TextIter where, bool leftGravity)
Creates a mark at position where.
- cutClipboard
void cutClipboard(gdk.clipboard.Clipboard clipboard, bool defaultEditable)
Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard,
then deletes said text if it’s editable.
- delete_
void delete_(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Deletes text between start and end.
- deleteInteractive
bool deleteInteractive(gtk.text_iter.TextIter startIter, gtk.text_iter.TextIter endIter, bool defaultEditable)
Deletes all editable text in the given range.
- deleteMark
void deleteMark(gtk.text_mark.TextMark mark)
Deletes mark, so that it’s no longer located anywhere in the
- deleteMarkByName
void deleteMarkByName(string name)
Deletes the mark named name; the mark must exist.
- deleteSelection
bool deleteSelection(bool interactive, bool defaultEditable)
Deletes the range between the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks,
that is, the currently-selected text.
- endIrreversibleAction
void endIrreversibleAction()
Denotes the end of an action that may not be undone.
- endUserAction
void endUserAction()
Ends a user-visible operation.
- getBounds
void getBounds(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Retrieves the first and last iterators in the buffer, i.e. the
entire buffer lies within the range [start,end).
- getCanRedo
bool getCanRedo()
Gets whether there is a redoable action in the history.
- getCanUndo
bool getCanUndo()
Gets whether there is an undoable action in the history.
- getCharCount
int getCharCount()
Gets the number of characters in the buffer.
- getEnableUndo
bool getEnableUndo()
Gets whether the buffer is saving modifications to the buffer
to allow for undo and redo actions.
- getEndIter
void getEndIter(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter)
Initializes iter with the “end iterator,” one past the last valid
character in the text buffer.
- getHasSelection
bool getHasSelection()
Indicates whether the buffer has some text currently selected.
- getInsert
gtk.text_mark.TextMark getInsert()
Returns the mark that represents the cursor (insertion point).
- getIterAtChildAnchor
void getIterAtChildAnchor(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gtk.text_child_anchor.TextChildAnchor anchor)
Obtains the location of anchor within buffer.
- getIterAtLine
bool getIterAtLine(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, int lineNumber)
Initializes iter to the start of the given line.
- getIterAtLineIndex
bool getIterAtLineIndex(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, int lineNumber, int byteIndex)
Obtains an iterator pointing to byte_index within the given line.
- getIterAtLineOffset
bool getIterAtLineOffset(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, int lineNumber, int charOffset)
Obtains an iterator pointing to char_offset within the given line.
- getIterAtMark
void getIterAtMark(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gtk.text_mark.TextMark mark)
Initializes iter with the current position of mark.
- getIterAtOffset
void getIterAtOffset(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, int charOffset)
Initializes iter to a position char_offset chars from the start
of the entire buffer.
- getLineCount
int getLineCount()
Obtains the number of lines in the buffer.
- getMark
gtk.text_mark.TextMark getMark(string name)
Returns the mark named name in buffer buffer, or null if no such
mark exists in the buffer.
- getMaxUndoLevels
uint getMaxUndoLevels()
Gets the maximum number of undo levels to perform.
- getModified
bool getModified()
- getSelectionBound
gtk.text_mark.TextMark getSelectionBound()
Returns the mark that represents the selection bound.
- getSelectionBounds
bool getSelectionBounds(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Returns true if some text is selected; places the bounds
of the selection in start and end.
- getSelectionContent
gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider getSelectionContent()
Get a content provider for this buffer.
- getSlice
string getSlice(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end, bool includeHiddenChars)
Returns the text in the range [start,end).
- getStartIter
void getStartIter(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter)
Initialized iter with the first position in the text buffer.
- getTagTable
gtk.text_tag_table.TextTagTable getTagTable()
- getText
string getText(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end, bool includeHiddenChars)
Returns the text in the range [start,end).
- insert
void insert(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string text)
Inserts len bytes of text at position iter.
- insertAtCursor
void insertAtCursor(string text)
- insertChildAnchor
void insertChildAnchor(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gtk.text_child_anchor.TextChildAnchor anchor)
Inserts a child widget anchor into the text buffer at iter.
- insertInteractive
bool insertInteractive(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string text, bool defaultEditable)
- insertInteractiveAtCursor
bool insertInteractiveAtCursor(string text, bool defaultEditable)
- insertMarkup
void insertMarkup(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, string markup)
Inserts the text in markup at position iter.
- insertPaintable
void insertPaintable(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gdk.paintable.Paintable paintable)
Inserts an image into the text buffer at iter.
- insertRange
void insertRange(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Copies text, tags, and paintables between start and end
and inserts the copy at iter.
- insertRangeInteractive
bool insertRangeInteractive(gtk.text_iter.TextIter iter, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end, bool defaultEditable)
Copies text, tags, and paintables between start and end
and inserts the copy at iter.
- moveMark
void moveMark(gtk.text_mark.TextMark mark, gtk.text_iter.TextIter where)
Moves mark to the new location where.
- moveMarkByName
void moveMarkByName(string name, gtk.text_iter.TextIter where)
Moves the mark named name (which must exist) to location where.
- pasteClipboard
void pasteClipboard(gdk.clipboard.Clipboard clipboard, gtk.text_iter.TextIter overrideLocation, bool defaultEditable)
Pastes the contents of a clipboard.
- placeCursor
void placeCursor(gtk.text_iter.TextIter where)
This function moves the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks
- redo
void redo()
Redoes the next redoable action on the buffer, if there is one.
- removeAllTags
void removeAllTags(gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Removes all tags in the range between start and end.
- removeSelectionClipboard
void removeSelectionClipboard(gdk.clipboard.Clipboard clipboard)
- removeTag
void removeTag(gtk.text_tag.TextTag tag, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Emits the “remove-tag” signal.
- removeTagByName
void removeTagByName(string name, gtk.text_iter.TextIter start, gtk.text_iter.TextIter end)
Emits the “remove-tag” signal.
- selectRange
void selectRange(gtk.text_iter.TextIter ins, gtk.text_iter.TextIter bound)
This function moves the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks
- setEnableUndo
void setEnableUndo(bool enableUndo)
Sets whether or not to enable undoable actions in the text buffer.
- setMaxUndoLevels
void setMaxUndoLevels(uint maxUndoLevels)
Sets the maximum number of undo levels to perform.
- setModified
void setModified(bool setting)
Used to keep track of whether the buffer has been
modified since the last time it was saved.
- setText
void setText(string text)
- undo
void undo()
Undoes the last undoable action on the buffer, if there is one.
- connectApplyTag
ulong connectApplyTag(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ApplyTag signal.
- connectBeginUserAction
ulong connectBeginUserAction(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to BeginUserAction signal.
- connectChanged
ulong connectChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to Changed signal.
- connectDeleteRange
ulong connectDeleteRange(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DeleteRange signal.
- connectEndUserAction
ulong connectEndUserAction(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to EndUserAction signal.
- connectInsertChildAnchor
ulong connectInsertChildAnchor(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to InsertChildAnchor signal.
- connectInsertPaintable
ulong connectInsertPaintable(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to InsertPaintable signal.
- connectInsertText
ulong connectInsertText(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to InsertText signal.
- connectMarkDeleted
ulong connectMarkDeleted(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MarkDeleted signal.
- connectMarkSet
ulong connectMarkSet(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MarkSet signal.
- connectModifiedChanged
ulong connectModifiedChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ModifiedChanged signal.
- connectPasteDone
ulong connectPasteDone(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to PasteDone signal.
- connectRedo
ulong connectRedo(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
- connectRemoveTag
ulong connectRemoveTag(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to RemoveTag signal.
- connectUndo
ulong connectUndo(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Subclass of gtk.text_buffer.TextBuffer.
A gtksource.buffer.Buffer object is the model for class@View widgets. It extends the gtk.text_buffer.TextBuffer class by adding features useful to display and edit source code such as syntax highlighting and bracket matching.
To create a gtksource.buffer.Buffer use gtksource.buffer.Buffer.new_ or gtksource.buffer.Buffer.newWithLanguage. The second form is just a convenience function which allows you to initially set a class@Language. You can also directly create a class@View and get its class@Buffer with gtk.text_view.TextView.getBuffer.
The highlighting is enabled by default, but you can disable it with gtksource.buffer.Buffer.setHighlightSyntax.
Context Classes:
It is possible to retrieve some information from the syntax highlighting engine. The default context classes that are applied to regions of a gtksource.buffer.Buffer:
Custom language definition files can create their own context classes, since the functions like gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterHasContextClass take a string parameter as the context class.
gtksource.buffer.Buffer provides an API to access the context classes: gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterHasContextClass, gtksource.buffer.Buffer.getContextClassesAtIter, gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterForwardToContextClassToggle and gtksource.buffer.Buffer.iterBackwardToContextClassToggle.
And the signal@GtkSource.Buffer::highlight-updated signal permits to be notified when a context class region changes.
Each context class has also an associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag with the name gtksourceview:context-classes:<name>. For example to retrieve the gtk.text_tag.TextTag for the string context class, one can write:
GtkTextTagTable *tag_table; GtkTextTag *tag; tag_table = gtk_text_buffer_get_tag_table (buffer); tag = gtk_text_tag_table_lookup (tag_table, "gtksourceview:context-classes:string");
The tag must be used for read-only purposes.
Accessing a context class via the associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag is less convenient than the gtksource.buffer.Buffer API, because:
A possible use-case for accessing a context class via the associated gtk.text_tag.TextTag is to read the region but without adding a hard dependency on the GtkSourceView library (for example for a spell-checking library that wants to read the no-spell-check region).