Each proposal may consist of multiple cells depending on the complexity of
the proposal. For example, programming language proposals may contain a cell
for the "left-hand-side" of an operation along with the "typed-text" for a
function name and "parameters". They may also optionally set an icon to
signify the kind of result.
A iface@CompletionProvider should implement the
vfunc@CompletionProvider.display virtual function to control
how to convert data from their iface@CompletionProposal to content for
the gtksource.completion_cell.CompletionCell.
Widget for single cell of completion proposal.
The gtksource.completion_cell.CompletionCell widget provides a container to display various types of information with the completion display.
Each proposal may consist of multiple cells depending on the complexity of the proposal. For example, programming language proposals may contain a cell for the "left-hand-side" of an operation along with the "typed-text" for a function name and "parameters". They may also optionally set an icon to signify the kind of result.
A iface@CompletionProvider should implement the vfunc@CompletionProvider.display virtual function to control how to convert data from their iface@CompletionProposal to content for the gtksource.completion_cell.CompletionCell.