Normal, Insert, Replace, Visual, and Visual Line modes
Support for an integrated command bar and current command preview
Search and replace
Motions and Text Objects
History replay
Jumplists within the current file
Registers including the system and primary clipboards
Creation and motion to marks
Some commonly used Vim commands
It is recommended that applications display the contents of
property@VimIMContext:command-bar-text and
property@VimIMContext:command-text to the user as they represent the
command-bar and current command preview found in Vim.
Vim emulation.
The gtksource.vim_imcontext.VimIMContext is a gtk.imcontext.IMContext implementation that can be used to provide Vim-like editing controls within a class@View.
The GtkSourceViMIMContext will process incoming gdk.key_event.KeyEvent as the user types. It should be used in conjunction with a gtk.event_controller_key.EventControllerKey.
Various features supported by gtksource.vim_imcontext.VimIMContext include:
It is recommended that applications display the contents of property@VimIMContext:command-bar-text and property@VimIMContext:command-text to the user as they represent the command-bar and current command preview found in Vim.
gtksource.vim_imcontext.VimIMContext attempts to work with additional gtk.imcontext.IMContext implementations such as IBus by querying the gtk.text_view.TextView before processing the command in states which support it (notably Insert and Replace modes).