
Main Completion Object.

The completion system helps the user when they writes some text, such as words, command names, functions, and suchlike. Proposals can be shown, to complete the text the user is writing. Each proposal can contain an additional piece of information (for example documentation), that is displayed when the "Details" button is clicked.

Proposals are created via a iface@CompletionProvider. There can be for example a provider to complete words (see class@CompletionWords), another provider for the completion of function names, etc. To add a provider, call gtksource.completion.Completion.addProvider.

The iface@CompletionProposal interface represents a proposal.

If a proposal contains extra information (see gtksource.types.CompletionColumn.Details), it will be displayed in a supplemental details window, which appears when the "Details" button is clicked.

Each class@View object is associated with a class@Completion instance. This instance can be obtained with gtksource.view.View.getCompletion. The class@View class contains also the signal@View::show-completion signal.

A same iface@CompletionProvider object can be used for several gtksource.completion.Completion's.

struct GtkSourceCompletion