- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- getColumnType
GType function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, int index) getColumnType;
Get the type of the column.
- getFlags
GtkTreeModelFlags function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel) getFlags;
- getIter
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, GtkTreePath* path) getIter;
Sets iter to a valid iterator pointing to path.
- getNColumns
int function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel) getNColumns;
Get the number of columns supported by the model.
- getPath
GtkTreePath* function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) getPath;
- getValue
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, int column, GValue* value) getValue;
Initializes and sets value to that at column.
- iterChildren
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, GtkTreeIter* parent) iterChildren;
Sets iter to point to the first child of parent.
- iterHasChild
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) iterHasChild;
true if iter has children, false otherwise.
- iterNChildren
int function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) iterNChildren;
Gets the number of children that iter has.
- iterNext
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) iterNext;
Sets iter to point to the node following it at the
current level.
- iterNthChild
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, GtkTreeIter* parent, int n) iterNthChild;
Sets iter to be the child of parent, using the
given index.
- iterParent
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, GtkTreeIter* child) iterParent;
Sets iter to be the parent of child.
- iterPrevious
bool function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) iterPrevious;
Sets iter to point to the previous node at the
current level.
- refNode
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) refNode;
Lets the tree ref the node.
- rowChanged
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter) rowChanged;
Signal emitted when a row in the model has changed.
- rowDeleted
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreePath* path) rowDeleted;
Signal emitted when a row has been deleted.
- rowHasChildToggled
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter) rowHasChildToggled;
Signal emitted when a row has gotten the
first child row or lost its last child row.
- rowInserted
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter) rowInserted;
Signal emitted when a new row has been inserted in
the model.
- rowsReordered
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter, int* newOrder) rowsReordered;
Signal emitted when the children of a node in the
GtkTreeModel have been reordered.
- unrefNode
void function(GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter) unrefNode;
Lets the tree unref the node.