- beginPrint
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintContext* context) beginPrint;
Signal emitted after the user has finished changing
print settings in the dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
- createCustomWidget
GtkWidget* function(GtkPrintOperation* operation) createCustomWidget;
Signal emitted when displaying the print dialog.
- customWidgetApply
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkWidget* widget) customWidgetApply;
Signal emitted right before “begin-print” if
you added a custom widget in the “create-custom-widget” handler.
- done
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintOperationResult result) done;
Signal emitted when the print operation run has finished
doing everything required for printing.
- drawPage
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintContext* context, int pageNr) drawPage;
Signal emitted for every page that is printed.
- endPrint
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintContext* context) endPrint;
Signal emitted after all pages have been rendered.
- padding
void*[8] padding;
- paginate
bool function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintContext* context) paginate;
Signal emitted after the “begin-print” signal, but
before the actual rendering starts.
- parentClass
GObjectClass parentClass;
- preview
bool function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintOperationPreview* preview, GtkPrintContext* context, GtkWindow* parent) preview;
Signal emitted when a preview is requested from the
native dialog.
- requestPageSetup
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkPrintContext* context, int pageNr, GtkPageSetup* setup) requestPageSetup;
Emitted once for every page that is printed,
to give the application a chance to modify the page setup.
- statusChanged
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation) statusChanged;
Emitted at between the various phases of the print
- updateCustomWidget
void function(GtkPrintOperation* operation, GtkWidget* widget, GtkPageSetup* setup, GtkPrintSettings* settings) updateCustomWidget;
Emitted after change of selected printer.