By default, gtk.link_button.LinkButton calls gtk.file_launcher.FileLauncher.launch when the button
is clicked. This behaviour can be overridden by connecting to the
signal@Gtk.LinkButton::activate-link signal and returning true from
the signal handler.
A gtk.link_button.LinkButton is a button with a hyperlink.
It is useful to show quick links to resources.
A link button is created by calling either gtk.link_button.LinkButton.new_ or gtk.link_button.LinkButton.newWithLabel. If using the former, the URI you pass to the constructor is used as a label for the widget.
The URI bound to a gtk.link_button.LinkButton can be set specifically using gtk.link_button.LinkButton.setUri.
By default, gtk.link_button.LinkButton calls gtk.file_launcher.FileLauncher.launch when the button is clicked. This behaviour can be overridden by connecting to the signal@Gtk.LinkButton::activate-link signal and returning true from the signal handler.
CSS nodes
gtk.link_button.LinkButton has a single CSS node with name button. To differentiate it from a plain gtk.button.Button, it gets the .link style class.
gtk.link_button.LinkButton uses the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.Link role.