
The gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog widget is a dialog for selecting a font.

An example GtkFontChooserDialog

gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog implements the gtk.font_chooser.FontChooser interface and does not provide much API of its own.

To create a gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog, use gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog.new_.

GtkFontChooserDialog as GtkBuildable

The gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface exposes the buttons with the names “select_button” and “cancel_button”.

CSS nodes

gtk.font_chooser_dialog.FontChooserDialog has a single CSS node with the name window and style class .fontchooser.

struct GtkFontChooserDialog

Detailed Description

Deprecated: Use gtk.font_dialog.FontDialog instead