Every gtk.emoji_chooser.EmojiChooser consists of a main node called popover.
The contents of the popover are largely implementation defined
and supposed to inherit general styles.
The top searchbar used to search emoji and gets the .emoji-searchbar
style class itself.
The bottom toolbar used to switch between different emoji categories
consists of buttons with the .emoji-section style class and gets the
.emoji-toolbar style class itself.
The gtk.emoji_chooser.EmojiChooser is used by text widgets such as gtk.entry.Entry or gtk.text_view.TextView to let users insert Emoji characters.
gtk.emoji_chooser.EmojiChooser emits the signal@Gtk.EmojiChooser::emoji-picked signal when an Emoji is selected.
CSS nodes
Every gtk.emoji_chooser.EmojiChooser consists of a main node called popover. The contents of the popover are largely implementation defined and supposed to inherit general styles. The top searchbar used to search emoji and gets the .emoji-searchbar style class itself. The bottom toolbar used to switch between different emoji categories consists of buttons with the .emoji-section style class and gets the .emoji-toolbar style class itself.