The signal handler may perform blocking I/O and need not return
until the connection is closed.
The service is implemented using a thread pool, so there is a
limited amount of threads available to serve incoming requests.
The service automatically stops the gio.socket_service.SocketService from accepting
new connections when all threads are busy.
A gio.threaded_socket_service.ThreadedSocketService is a simple subclass of gio.socket_service.SocketService that handles incoming connections by creating a worker thread and dispatching the connection to it by emitting the in the new thread.
The signal handler may perform blocking I/O and need not return until the connection is closed.
The service is implemented using a thread pool, so there is a limited amount of threads available to serve incoming requests. The service automatically stops the gio.socket_service.SocketService from accepting new connections when all threads are busy.
As with gio.socket_service.SocketService, you may connect to, or subclass and override the default handler.