Value | Meaning |
Resolving0 | The client is doing a DNS lookup. |
Resolved1 | The client has completed a DNS lookup. |
Connecting2 | The client is connecting to a remote host (either a proxy or the destination server). |
Connected3 | The client has connected to a remote host. |
ProxyNegotiating4 | The client is negotiating with a proxy to connect to the destination server. |
ProxyNegotiated5 | The client has negotiated with the proxy server. |
TlsHandshaking6 | The client is performing a TLS handshake. |
TlsHandshaked7 | The client has performed a TLS handshake. |
Complete8 | The client is done with a particular #GSocketConnectable. |
Describes an event occurring on a #GSocketClient. See the #GSocketClient::event signal for more details.
Additional values may be added to this type in the future.