- canEject
bool function(GDrive* drive) canEject;
Returns true if the #GDrive can eject media.
- canPollForMedia
bool function(GDrive* drive) canPollForMedia;
Returns true if the #GDrive is capable of manually polling for media change.
- canStart
bool function(GDrive* drive) canStart;
Returns true if a #GDrive can be started. Since 2.22.
- canStartDegraded
bool function(GDrive* drive) canStartDegraded;
Returns true if a #GDrive can be started degraded. Since 2.22.
- canStop
bool function(GDrive* drive) canStop;
Returns true if a #GDrive can be stopped. Since 2.22.
- changed
void function(GDrive* drive) changed;
Signal emitted when the drive is changed.
- disconnected
void function(GDrive* drive) disconnected;
The removed signal that is emitted when the #GDrive have been disconnected. If the recipient is holding references to the object they should release them so the object can be finalized.
- eject
void function(GDrive* drive, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) eject;
- ejectButton
void function(GDrive* drive) ejectButton;
Signal emitted when the physical eject button (if any) of a drive have been pressed.
- ejectFinish
bool function(GDrive* drive, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) ejectFinish;
Finishes an eject operation.
- ejectWithOperation
void function(GDrive* drive, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) ejectWithOperation;
Starts ejecting a #GDrive using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- ejectWithOperationFinish
bool function(GDrive* drive, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) ejectWithOperationFinish;
Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- enumerateIdentifiers
char** function(GDrive* drive) enumerateIdentifiers;
Returns an array strings listing the kinds
of identifiers which the #GDrive has.
- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- getIcon
GIcon* function(GDrive* drive) getIcon;
Returns a #GIcon for the given #GDrive.
- getIdentifier
char* function(GDrive* drive, const(char)* kind) getIdentifier;
Returns the identifier of the given kind, or null if
the #GDrive doesn't have one.
- getName
char* function(GDrive* drive) getName;
Returns the name for the given #GDrive.
- getSortKey
const(char)* function(GDrive* drive) getSortKey;
Gets a key used for sorting #GDrive instances or null if no such key exists. Since 2.32.
- getStartStopType
GDriveStartStopType function(GDrive* drive) getStartStopType;
Gets a #GDriveStartStopType with details about starting/stopping the drive. Since 2.22.
- getSymbolicIcon
GIcon* function(GDrive* drive) getSymbolicIcon;
Returns a symbolic #GIcon for the given #GDrive. Since 2.34.
- getVolumes
GList* function(GDrive* drive) getVolumes;
Returns a list #GList of #GVolume for the #GDrive.
- hasMedia
bool function(GDrive* drive) hasMedia;
Returns true if the #GDrive has media inserted.
- hasVolumes
bool function(GDrive* drive) hasVolumes;
Returns true if the #GDrive has mountable volumes.
- isMediaCheckAutomatic
bool function(GDrive* drive) isMediaCheckAutomatic;
Returns true if the #GDrive is capable of automatically detecting media changes.
- isMediaRemovable
bool function(GDrive* drive) isMediaRemovable;
Returns true if the #GDrive supports removal and insertion of media.
- isRemovable
bool function(GDrive* drive) isRemovable;
Returns true if the #GDrive and/or its media is considered removable by the user. Since 2.50.
- pollForMedia
void function(GDrive* drive, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) pollForMedia;
Poll for media insertion/removal on a #GDrive.
- pollForMediaFinish
bool function(GDrive* drive, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) pollForMediaFinish;
Finishes a media poll operation.
- start
void function(GDrive* drive, GDriveStartFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) start;
Starts a #GDrive. Since 2.22.
- startFinish
bool function(GDrive* drive, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) startFinish;
Finishes a start operation. Since 2.22.
- stop
void function(GDrive* drive, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) stop;
Stops a #GDrive. Since 2.22.
- stopButton
void function(GDrive* drive) stopButton;
Signal emitted when the physical stop button (if any) of a drive have been pressed. Since 2.22.
- stopFinish
bool function(GDrive* drive, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) stopFinish;
Finishes a stop operation. Since 2.22.
Interface for creating #GDrive implementations.