- addSupportsType
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, const(char)* contentType, GError** _err) addSupportsType;
Adds to the #GAppInfo information about supported file types.
- canDelete
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) canDelete;
Checks if a #GAppInfo can be deleted. Since 2.20
- canRemoveSupportsType
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) canRemoveSupportsType;
Checks for support for removing supported file types from a #GAppInfo.
- doDelete
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) doDelete;
Deletes a #GAppInfo. Since 2.20
- dup
GAppInfo* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) dup;
- equal
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo1, GAppInfo* appinfo2) equal;
Checks two #GAppInfos for equality.
- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- getCommandline
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getCommandline;
Gets the commandline for the #GAppInfo. Since 2.20
- getDescription
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getDescription;
Gets a short description for the application described by the #GAppInfo.
- getDisplayName
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getDisplayName;
Gets the display name for the #GAppInfo. Since 2.24
- getExecutable
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getExecutable;
Gets the executable name for the #GAppInfo.
- getIcon
GIcon* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getIcon;
Gets the #GIcon for the #GAppInfo.
- getId
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getId;
Gets a string identifier for a #GAppInfo.
- getName
const(char)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getName;
Gets the name of the application for a #GAppInfo.
- getSupportedTypes
const(char*)* function(GAppInfo* appinfo) getSupportedTypes;
Retrieves the list of content types that @app_info claims to support.
- launch
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, GList* files, GAppLaunchContext* context, GError** _err) launch;
Launches an application specified by the #GAppInfo.
- launchUris
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, GList* uris, GAppLaunchContext* context, GError** _err) launchUris;
Launches an application with a list of URIs.
- launchUrisAsync
void function(GAppInfo* appinfo, GList* uris, GAppLaunchContext* context, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) launchUrisAsync;
Asynchronously launches an application with a list of URIs. (Since: 2.60)
- launchUrisFinish
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) launchUrisFinish;
Finishes an operation started with @launch_uris_async. (Since: 2.60)
- removeSupportsType
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, const(char)* contentType, GError** _err) removeSupportsType;
Removes a supported application type from a #GAppInfo.
- setAsDefaultForExtension
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, const(char)* extension, GError** _err) setAsDefaultForExtension;
Sets an application as default for a given file extension.
- setAsDefaultForType
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, const(char)* contentType, GError** _err) setAsDefaultForType;
Sets an application as default for a given content type.
- setAsLastUsedForType
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo, const(char)* contentType, GError** _err) setAsLastUsedForType;
- shouldShow
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) shouldShow;
- supportsFiles
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) supportsFiles;
Indicates whether the application specified accepts filename arguments.
- supportsUris
bool function(GAppInfo* appinfo) supportsUris;
Indicates whether the application specified supports launching URIs.
Application Information interface, for operating system portability.