A pango.types.GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG represents a single glyph in the output form of a string.
The PangoGlyphUnit type is used to store dimensions within Pango.
A PangoLayoutRun represents a single run within a pango.layout_line.LayoutLine.
pango.types.Alignment describes how to align the lines of a pango.layout.Layout within the available space.
The pango.types.AttrType distinguishes between different types of attributes.
An enumeration that affects baseline shifts between runs.
pango.types.BidiType represents the bidirectional character type of a Unicode character.
pango.types.CoverageLevel is used to indicate how well a font can represent a particular Unicode character for a particular script.
pango.types.Direction represents a direction in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
pango.types.EllipsizeMode describes what sort of ellipsization should be applied to text.
The bits in a pango.types.FontMask correspond to the set fields in a pango.font_description.FontDescription.
An enumeration that affects font sizes for superscript and subscript positioning and for (emulated) Small Caps.
pango.types.Gravity represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment of text.
pango.types.GravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a vertical context.
Errors that can be returned by pango.layout.Layout.deserialize.
Flags that influence the behavior of pango.layout.Layout.deserialize.
Flags that influence the behavior of pango.layout.Layout.serialize.
The pango.types.Overline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be overlined, and if so, the type of line.
pango.types.RenderPart defines different items to render for such purposes as setting colors.
The pango.types.Script enumeration identifies different writing systems.
Flags influencing the shaping process.
These flags affect how Pango treats characters that are normally not visible in the output.
An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs within a family.
An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font.
pango.types.TabAlign specifies where the text appears relative to the tab stop position.
An enumeration that affects how Pango treats characters during shaping.
The pango.types.Underline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type of underlining.
An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font.
An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font.
pango.types.WrapMode describes how to wrap the lines of a pango.layout.Layout to the desired width.
The pango.analysis.Analysis structure stores information about the properties of a segment of text.
The pango.types.AttrClass structure stores the type and operations for a particular type of attribute.
The pango.attr_color.AttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that are colors.
The pango.attr_float.AttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with a float or double value.
The pango.attr_font_desc.AttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once.
The pango.attr_font_features.AttrFontFeatures structure is used to represent OpenType font features as an attribute.
The pango.attr_int.AttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with an integer or enumeration value.
A pango.attr_iterator.AttrIterator is used to iterate through a pango.attr_list.AttrList.
The pango.attr_language.AttrLanguage structure is used to represent attributes that are languages.
A pango.attr_list.AttrList represents a list of attributes that apply to a section of text.
The pango.attr_shape.AttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which impose shape restrictions.
The pango.attr_size.AttrSize structure is used to represent attributes which set font size.
The pango.attr_string.AttrString structure is used to represent attributes with a string value.
The pango.attribute.Attribute structure represents the common portions of all attributes.
The pango.color.Color structure is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space.
A pango.context.Context stores global information used to control the itemization process.
A pango.coverage.Coverage structure is a map from Unicode characters to pango.types.CoverageLevel values.
A pango.font.Font is used to represent a font in a rendering-system-independent manner.
A pango.font_description.FontDescription describes a font in an implementation-independent manner.
A pango.font_face.FontFace is used to represent a group of fonts with the same family, slant, weight, and width, but varying sizes.
A pango.font_family.FontFamily is used to represent a family of related font faces.
A pango.font_map.FontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system.
The pango.font_map_class.FontMapClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular pango.font_map.FontMap implementation.
A pango.font_metrics.FontMetrics structure holds the overall metric information for a font.
A pango.fontset.Fontset represents a set of pango.font.Font to use when rendering text.
The pango.fontset_class.FontsetClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular pango.fontset.Fontset implementation.
pango.fontset_simple.FontsetSimple is a implementation of the abstract pango.fontset.Fontset base class as an array of fonts.
The pango.types.GlyphGeometry structure contains width and positioning information for a single glyph.
A pango.glyph_info.GlyphInfo structure represents a single glyph with positioning information and visual attributes.
A pango.glyph_item.GlyphItem is a pair of a pango.item.Item and the glyphs resulting from shaping the items text.
A pango.glyph_item_iter.GlyphItemIter is an iterator over the clusters in a pango.glyph_item.GlyphItem.
A pango.glyph_string.GlyphString is used to store strings of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information.
A pango.types.GlyphVisAttr structure communicates information between the shaping and rendering phases.
The pango.item.Item structure stores information about a segment of text.
The pango.language.Language structure is used to represent a language.
A pango.layout.Layout structure represents an entire paragraph of text.
A pango.layout_iter.LayoutIter can be used to iterate over the visual extents of a pango.layout.Layout.
A pango.layout_line.LayoutLine represents one of the lines resulting from laying out a paragraph via pango.layout.Layout.
The pango.types.LogAttr structure stores information about the attributes of a single character.
A pango.matrix.Matrix specifies a transformation between user-space and device coordinates.
The pango.types.Rectangle structure represents a rectangle.
pango.renderer.Renderer is a base class for objects that can render text provided as pango.glyph_string.GlyphString or pango.layout.Layout.
Class structure for pango.renderer.Renderer.
A pango.script_iter.ScriptIter is used to iterate through a string and identify ranges in different scripts.
A pango.tab_array.TabArray contains an array of tab stops.