Value | Meaning |
Ltr0 | A strong left-to-right direction |
Rtl1 | A strong right-to-left direction |
TtbLtr2 | Deprecated value; treated the same as pango.types.Direction.Rtl. |
TtbRtl3 | Deprecated value; treated the same as pango.types.Direction.Ltr |
WeakLtr4 | A weak left-to-right direction |
WeakRtl5 | A weak right-to-left direction |
Neutral6 | No direction specified |
pango.types.Direction represents a direction in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage of pango.types.Direction; for example, the return value of func@unichar_direction and func@find_base_dir cannot be pango.types.Direction.WeakLtr or pango.types.Direction.WeakRtl, since every character is either neutral or has a strong direction; on the other hand pango.types.Direction.Neutral doesn't make sense to pass to func@itemize_with_base_dir.
The pango.types.Direction.TtbLtr, pango.types.Direction.TtbRtl values come from an earlier interpretation of this enumeration as the writing direction of a block of text and are no longer used. See pango.types.Gravity for how vertical text is handled in Pango.
If you are interested in text direction, you should really use fribidi directly. pango.types.Direction is only retained because it is used in some public apis.