Value | Meaning |
L0 | Left-to-Right |
Lre1 | Left-to-Right Embedding |
Lro2 | Left-to-Right Override |
R3 | Right-to-Left |
Al4 | Right-to-Left Arabic |
Rle5 | Right-to-Left Embedding |
Rlo6 | Right-to-Left Override |
Pdf7 | Pop Directional Format |
En8 | European Number |
Es9 | European Number Separator |
Et10 | European Number Terminator |
An11 | Arabic Number |
Cs12 | Common Number Separator |
Nsm13 | Nonspacing Mark |
Bn14 | Boundary Neutral |
B15 | Paragraph Separator |
S16 | Segment Separator |
Ws17 | Whitespace |
On18 | Other Neutrals |
Lri19 | Left-to-Right isolate. Since 1.48.6 |
Rli20 | Right-to-Left isolate. Since 1.48.6 |
Fsi21 | First strong isolate. Since 1.48.6 |
Pdi22 | Pop directional isolate. Since 1.48.6 |
Deprecated: Use fribidi for this information
pango.types.BidiType represents the bidirectional character type of a Unicode character.
The values in this enumeration are specified by the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.